
We remove doubt from the process by providing transparent metrics on the performance of our signals and forecasts across various asset classes and forecast products.

Overall Performance Summary Calendar Years 2020 - 2024

Forecast Return is the average of the monthly Total Returns for Top Stocks/ETF lists/UltraBull Top Trades; and is the average of the quarterly returns for the Hidden Gem stocks and Model Portfolio.

Win Rate = The number of periods where the return is positive expressed as a percentage of the total number of periods.

Cumulative Return is the total internal rate of return for all periods' forecasts.

Cumulative Model Portfolio Return

The cumulative return comparison between $10,000 invested in the Model Portfolio since inception in April 2020 and updated every quarter against the S&P 500 benchmark.

Period: Q2 2020 to Q4 2024; Initial Investment: $10,000

Model Portfolio: $77,377; S&P 500: $22,459

Back tested Model Portfolio Return

We are showcasing back tested model returns from Q1 1995 to illustrate the reliability and historical performance of our investment strategy across various market conditions, including the dotcom bubble and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). These results highlight the robustness of our approach, demonstrating consistent success even before the inception of our service in Q2 2020. By presenting this data, we reinforce the strength and solidity of our models, providing our clients with confidence in their long-term potential. Our track record under diverse market environments showcases the resilience and effectiveness of the strategy.