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A. Informational Purposes Only. No Investment Advice Provided.
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The asset price forecasts, AI scores, signals, and rankings provided by UltraWealthAI.com and its publications are for educational or informational purposes only. They do not constitute investment advice or user-specific recommendations to buy or sell any security, instead they are informative analytics tools to assist with analysing the markets. The signals and analysis issued are based on AI-driven metrics and data which inform estimated probabilities of winning trades or profitable investment forecasts. The estimated AI-based probabilities do not imply certainty eg: if 75% Win probability is noted on a trading signal, this does not necessarily imply 75% of all trades will be successful in reality. It is a predictive indicator to be used to contextualize the accuracy or confidence level of the signal only.
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B. Performance Disclaimer
Securities trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. Investors may lose all or more than the initial investment.
The accuracy and performance statistics published are based on historical back-tested results and should not be relied upon to make future performance assumptions. An historical statistical performance accuracy of 70% does not imply and should not be taken to mean that 7 out 10 trades will be successful going forward. The accuracy and performance statistics relate to the predicted direction of the asset's price movement in the corresponding duration for which the signal relates i.e. short-term (1 month), or longer-term (3 months). The application of that information to enter and exit trades at the appropriate times and prices may differ by trader or investor.
Return on Investment (ROI) metrics published regarding the likelihood of various trading or investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future results. The ROI is based on the above-mentioned accuracy statistics, assumed trading volume and leverage, which all factor into the total ROI. Individual results may vary based on these factors and additional costs such as broker fees, interests, etc.
Relying on past results to predict future hypothetical performance has inherent limitations. No representation is being made that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those presented. Disparities often exist between hypothetical performance results and actual results attained by a specific trading program.
Hypothetical performance results are typically formulated with the benefit of hindsight and lack financial risk. Hypothetical trading records cannot comprehensively consider the impact of actual trading's financial risk. The ability to endure losses or adhere to a particular trading program despite incurred losses can adversely influence actual trading results.
There is a high degree of risk involved in trading, and participation in financial markets carries inherent risks even with the use of UltraWealthAI.com tools and analytics. This risk, while manageable, can never be eliminated. It is not advisable to make trading decisions beyond one's financial means or involve trading capital that one is not willing and capable of losing.
UltraWealth AI's Scores, ratings, forecasts, and signals cannot substitute professional investment advice or independent research and verification. The company’s personnel are not licensed brokers or advisors and do not offer trading advice.
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UltraWealth AI provides trading education and analytics only. It does not provide personal financial or investment advice; and does not conduct financial dealings on behalf of clients. Securities trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. Artificial Intelligence calculates probabilities of achieving forecasted target prices. It does not calculate or predict definitive or actual results. The performance of illustrative returns on this site is based on back tested results. Back tested performance is not an indicator of future results.
*UltraWealth AI Scores and signals cannot substitute professional investment advice or independent research and verification. Using our site, you are accepting our Terms of Use, Performance Credit Terms, Disclaimers and Privacy policies.